To create questions without answer options, you can use the "Task: Text input field" template. This template is suitable for translation tasks or queries about individual technical terms, for example.
Create a "Task: Text entry box"
To create a card from the "Task: Text input field" template, click on the Add card button within a deck.
First assign a name for the card. The "Task: Text input field" must contain at least one content or one image or audio file.
Add answers
The "Task: Text entry box" can have several correct answers. Click on Add field and write your answer option in the respective answer field. You can delete the individual answer options at any time.
When evaluating in the app, the first-ranked answer is always displayed as the correct answer.
Note: The evaluation is case sensitive. This can be useful for translation tasks, for example. However, by supporting multiple answers, you can mark different spelling variants of the desired answer as correct. For example, the use of punctuation marks.
Additional settings
Each card can also be individually visible or hidden. If the Visible checkbox is activated, the card is also displayed in the selected deck.