We are constantly developing our product. In this category you will find description of all planned developments.
All the information you need to get started with ovos play.
Here you will find answers to general functions and features.
As an administrator, you have access to all the settings available to you
Here are all the questions about content creation and allocation in ovos play.
Hier finden Sie alle Tutorials zur Bedienung des Trainer Dashboards und das Hosten von Events.
With ovos play Live, you can conduct classroom training in a playful manner.
The AI module offers additional functions for using ovos play as an author or learner
Alles zur Wartung, zum Betrieb und Datenschutz auf einem Blick.
All the info you need to publish your ovos play instance as a native app in the Google and Apple stores
A resource to help you plan and create learning content