To create surveys that can be answered with a star rating, you can use the "Survey - Radio" template. The question can consist of formatted text or audio. Users can assign one or more stars as answers in this template. Each answer option can contain its own text or an image.

Create a "Survey - Radio"
To create a card from the "Survey - Radio" template, click on the Add card button within a deck.
First assign a name for the card. You can add an audio file and a formatted text as a question.

Add answers
You can add a maximum of 5 answers to a "Survey - Radio" card. Two answer options are already available when you create the card. To add another answer, click on Add field under the Answers heading.

The first answer is displayed on the left as the first selectable star. Further answers are added on the right as additional stars. Enter a unique text for each answer. The text answer fields are limited to 25 characters. By default, an emoji is displayed as an image for all answers, the "Survey: Star" card. The more stars users select, the happier the emoji.

User responses are saved for the deck of all survey cards. You can find out how to export these responses in the article How to export survey results.
Each answer can also contain its own image, which is then displayed instead of the emoji as soon as users select this answer. Drag and drop an image file into the answer fields or click on the image field and select a file.

Additional settings
Each card can also be made visible or hidden individually. If the Visible checkbox is activated, the card is also displayed in the selected deck.