Content creation with AI

With the help of artificial intelligence, functions are built that make content creation easier and faster.

What is new?

New content can be generated in the Admin Dashboard at the touch of a button. The new content can also draw on content that has already been created. This enables the following functions:

  • Create different question cards based on a content card.

  • Create a summary for a learning deck.

  • Create an exam based on a learning deck.

  • Create a library structure based on a description.

  • And much more...

If you want to stay up to date and test features in advance, feel free to get in touch with your contact person at ovos or use the messenger.

What are the advantages?

  • DSGVO-compliant data management.

  • You retain full control over the content you create.

  • Content creation is much faster.

  • You are relieved of the tedious work of creating content.

  • The generated content can be adapted to your style.

  • There are no limits to the application.

Do you have further ideas?

We are always happy to receive your feedback on new and future developments. You can send us your ideas or use cases at any time using the messenger at the bottom right.

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