What are Apple's possibilities of app publishing?

Apps can be published publicly, unlisted, or as in-house apps - What's right for you?

Public Apps

This form is suitable for apps in the B2C sector. If the content appeals to a broad public and is relevant to them, the app also fits into Apple's public AppStore.

If Apple recognizes that an app is not intended for the public AppStore, no further updates are possible (often can still be discussed, but Apple rarely rejects the app updates without reason)

Unlisted Apps

For apps that are only relevant for a certain group (e.g. employees who go through pre- and onboarding with ovos play), this form is appealing. The app then exists in the public AppStore, but cannot be searched: Only via a link can the store entry be accessed. If an app is no longer listed, it cannot be listed again.

You have to fill out an application, and it usually takes about 7 days for Apple to respond (so far, no app we submitted has been rejected).

Private Apps

These apps are published normally and are then available in Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager. The apps did not appear in the public AppStore and cannot be opened via link. Companies can then make the app available on devices they manage or control.

For ovos, this path does not create any additional work to public or unlisted apps.

Enterprise Apps

The Apple Developer Enterprise Program enables large enterprises to develop and deploy their own internal-use apps for their employees. This program is designed for specific use cases that require private distribution directly to employees via secure internal systems or via a mobile device management solution.

Here, the effort for ovos is greater, since the app has to be built and transmitted manually so that the customer uploads it himself. With this form, further costs are to be expected.

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