Can I change my free app to a paid app - and vice versa?

There can be various reasons - but what are the possibilities?

We can't give a general answer here: While you can simply switch with Apple, Google makes it a little more difficult:

Google Play Store

  • You can change your app from paid to free.

  • Once your app has been offered for free, the app can't be changed to paid. If you want to charge for the app, you need to create a new app with a new package name and set a price.

Apple AppStore

  • You can change your app from free to paid - people who have already installed the app can continue to use it, if you reinstall (or re-install) the app you will have to pay for it.

  • You can also change your app from paid to free - previous buyers of your app will not see any difference, for new users the app will appear in the AppStore as a free app.

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