It is important to formulate learning outcomes in advance. They help you not to lose track and also to select the right content (which is required for an exam, for example). Formulate the objectives in such a way that they describe a visible and measurable result.
What is a learning outcome?
A learning outcome is what learners should be able to do at the end of a learning phase or deck.
Learning outcomes are measurable and verifiable through specific questions and tasks.
Learning outcomes are often formulated as CAN descriptions.
Prof tip:
Formulate learning outcomes according to the following scheme: After XY you can content + active verb..
After working through this chapter, you will be able to formulate learning outcomes correctly.
After working through this topic, learners can list the 7 values of our company.
As you may have noticed, concrete verbs are used here that describe an action and where learners have to actively do something. Non-concrete verbs such as perceive or recognize are not suitable for this.
Prof tip:
You have used the correct verb if you can convert the learning outcomes into an imperative sentence (command sentence).
After working through this chapter, you will be able to formulate learning outcomes correctly.
Formulate the learning outcomes!
This table will help you choose the right verbs for your learning outcomes. The six columns are to be understood hierarchically from left to right, i.e. being able to remember something requires less effort than being able to evaluate or design something.

Source: Vrabl, Olivia (2022): Step-by-step guide to formulating learning outcomes
Profit tips:
The learning outcomes help you to select content and create content and task cards. If you keep the aim of the learning activities in mind, it is easier to create content tailored to them.
On the other hand, they help learners to work more purposefully and with greater focus: I know what I am learning and why - this orientation is important for the brain.
Visualization of learning outcomes
Of course, you can decide how or whether you want to make the learning outcomes visible to the learners in the app and how you want to communicate them.
In ovos play there are different ways to communicate the learning outcomes:
After this deck you can ...
Here you will learn ...
This is about ...

Previous chapter: Plan the learning content
Next chapter: > Step 2: Create practice and examination tasks
Olivia Vrabl (o.J.): Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung zur Formulierung von Lernergebnissen. Version: 05.09.2022. Tabelle adaptiert aus: Bachmann, H. (2014): Formulieren von Lernergebnissen – learning outcomes. In: Heinz Bachmann (Hrsg.), Kompetenzorientierte Hochschullehre. Die Notwendigkeit von Kohärenz zwischen Lernzielen, Prüfungsformen und Lehr-Lern-Methoden. Forum Hochschuldidaktik und Erwachsenenbildung Band 1, Bern: hep verlag ag, 2. Aufl., S. 42-43.