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How do I create an assessment?

You create an assessment in a similar way to a deck in the library. At least one question card must be assigned to an assessment.

Adrian Fuchsluger avatar
Written by Adrian Fuchsluger
Updated over 6 months ago

In ovos play, you can create micro-learning decks as well as assessments. After completing an assessment, users receive an evaluation as to whether they have passed or failed.

Create an assessment

The procedure for creating an assessment is similar to that for creating a deck. Navigate to the Library menu item, click on Add on the left-hand side and select Assessments.

An assessment must be added to the library in order to be visible to users. To do this, select a title and a topic to which you want to assign the assessment. Assign it to a content package if necessary.

When you add an assessment, you are prompted to choose the topic.

You can either create a new assessment or add existing assessments. To add an existing assessment, switch to the tab of the same name.

Select the desired assessment and topic and click OK to create the assessment. You can now edit the assessment.

The assessment editor shows all input fields with a preview.

In the assessment editor, you can also add your own image for an assessment, which will be displayed in the library and on the title card. For each assessment, you must also define a threshold value (in per cent) that indicates how many questions must be answered correctly in order to pass the assessment.

Configuring the number of test attempts

In addition to the threshold value, an assessment must also define a number of attempts. You have two options for this:

  • The number of attempts is unlimited and can be repeated as often as required.

  • The number of attempts is limited to a maximum number.

To create an assessment without an attempt limit, tick the Unlimited attempts checkbox.

You can find the option for unlimited attempts in the evaluation section.

With the maximum number of attempts, users only have this number of attempts to pass the assessment once. Once the assessment has been passed once, it is considered complete and cannot be repeated. Once all attempts have been used up, the assessment can also no longer be repeated.

To configure a maximum number of attempts, leave the checkbox under Unlimited attempts empty and enter the number of attempts in the Maximum attempts field. One attempt is granted by default, you can freely select the number in the range from 1 to 99.

If the checkbox for "Unlimited attempts" is not activated, you can freely select the number of attempts.

Display competence results

The result of an assessment that is displayed for learners can be expanded with competency results. This gives learners more detailed information about their exam result.

The app result screen of an assessment containing the competence results.

πŸ’‘ Note: In order for there to be a competence evaluation, the cards used in the assessment must also be assigned to the respective competences. You can find out how this works in the article: How can I assign question cards to competences?

To configure competence results, you will find the Show competence evaluation checkbox in the Evaluations section.

View of the assessment evaluation configuration with highlight on the "Show competence evaluation" checkbox

Displaying the competency evaluation is optional. If you wish, you can also only display the competency evaluation and dispense with a pass/fail assessment. To do this, deactivate the evaluation method with the toggle.

View of the configuration when the pass/fail assessment is deactivated.

πŸ’‘ Note: At least one of the two assessment methods (pass or competences) must be selected. If there is no pass/fail assessment, the assessment can only be taken once.

Generate examination certificates

If you wish, you can generate an automatic certificate for users who have passed an assessment. To do this, you need to add a certificate to the desired assessment. To do this, click on the button of the same name in the editor.

You can find the "Add Certificate" button in the certificate section.

If you add a certificate, you can add further details for the certificate.

Examination certificates can be modified with an image, text and signature data.

You can decide whether you want to display no image or the assessment image on the certificate or upload a customised image.

You can use the text input field to add a text for the certificate. This can be useful if you want to emphasise the skills learned or write more detailed explanations about the assessment.

The place and date of issue can also be displayed on the certificate. For a personal signature, you can assign a signature name and upload a signature or stamp as a signature image.

Once you have completed your configuration, you can generate a preview of the PDF certificate. To do this, click on Preview in the certificate editor area. The certificate will now be displayed instead of the title card.

Click on "Preview" in the certificate editor area to generate a preview of the PDF.

Save the changes to the assessment to add the certificate with your configuration. Users can now download the certificate independently as a PDF if they pass the assessment.

Ansicht eines Zertifikats ohne Modifikation.

Certificate without modification with CI colour and logo

Ansicht eines Zertifikats mit weiterer Modifikation.

Certificate with full modification

The user's nickname is displayed on the certificate first. If the first name and surname are already stored via an SSO interface, the full name is displayed instead.

Adding cards to an assessment

Once you have created the assessment, you can add cards in the same way as for decks. To do this, navigate to the card editor with the Edit cards button at the top right. Note that an assessment requires at least one question card to evaluate a result.

On the top right you can find the Edit Cards button.

Assessments consist of at least one card pool. Card pools can either be displayed in the same linear sequence or randomly generate an assessment from a certain number of questions. The different pools are suitable for the following cases:

Linear pools

  • An assessment with specific questions that must be answered in any case

  • Place question cards on content cards according to a content context

Random pools

  • The assessment should be different for each attempt

  • From a pool of 100 cards, only 10 should be answered

  • The assessment consists of a set of questions of varying difficulty

In the card pool editor on the right-hand side, you can give each card pool a title and specify whether it is a linear pool in which all questions are always displayed or whether the questions are randomly selected from the pool.

In the map editor, you will see all map pools on the left and the corresponding editor on the right.

If you activate the random selection, you must also determine the number of randomly used questions.

If you want a pool to select questions at random, specify the number of questions.

Card pools can contain both content cards and question cards. With content cards, you can give users a context for the following question cards using text, images, video or audio.

Note: If a content card is used in a card pool, the pool is always linear and displays all cards in the defined order.

To add a new pool, click on the Add button on the left. The new pool is added to the existing pools and the existing pools are collapsed. Click on the desired pool to expand it again.

Use the "Add" button on the left-hand side to create new pools.

To edit or remove a map pool, click on the context menu of the map pool and the two options will be displayed. Removing a map pool does not delete the added maps, but removes the link to the map.

You can edit the map pool via the context menu of a map pool.

Add cards to a pool

You can create new cards within a pool using the Add button.

Use the "Add" button within the pool to create new cards.

You can also search through all existing cards and add them to the card pool. When searching, the cards are searched by name.

You can use the search field to search existing maps.

If you are using a linear pool, you can edit the order of the cards using drag and drop. With linear pools, the cards are then displayed in this order. With random pools, the order has no effect on the cards selected for the assessment.

You can sort the cards in linear pools using drag and drop.

When you edit cards, you can also assign the card to an assessment and a card pool in the Decks tab. A card can only appear once in an assessment. Search for the desired assessment and select the desired pool in the input field.

You can add cards to card pools in the "Deck" tab of the card editor.

Assessment overview

The Assessments menu item gives you an overview of all the assessments you have created in ovos play.

In the menu item "Assessments" you will find an overview of all assessments.

Here you can search, filter and sort assessments. In the overview, you can create new assessments or edit existing ones.

In the assessment overview, all assessments are presented with a bar to search and filter.

In the overview, you can see the defined threshold value for each assessment and also which topic the assessment is assigned to.

Unlock Requirements

Similar to decks, you can only unlock an assessment once users have learnt or practised certain decks. You can find out more here: How do I add requirements for unlocking a deck?

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