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Frequently Asked Questions - Authors
Here are all the questions about content creation and allocation in ovos play.
Feature- & menu-overview for authors
Can I prevent a document from being downloaded in the app?
Wie kann ich die gleiche Karte in mehreren Decks verwenden?
Can I restore a deleted deck?
How can I address users by their names?
Can the file size of an image be optimized?
How do the image scaling differ?
How do I filter for a specific deck?
Is there a recommendation for uploading images to ovos play?
What resolution should an animated GIF have?
How do I integrate videos into ovos play?
Is there a recommendation for the videos you upload to ovos play?
Is there a way to recover deleted cards?
How do I create topics in ovos play?
How do I manage cards within decks?
How do I create a journey?
How do I create decks in ovos play?
How do I create an assessment?
How do I create a headline in the library?
How do I create events in ovos play?
How do I duplicate an event with all dates?
How do I create a glossary entry?
How can decks and assessments be duplicated in ovos play?
Can I translate ovos play content automatically?
Can I add an answer resolution to a question card?
Which card templates are available in ovos play?
How do I create a text card in ovos play?
How do I create a "Task: Dual column match"?
How do I create a "Text + Image" card in ovos play?
How do I create a "Task - Choice Text" card?
How do I create a "Task: Fact or Fiction"?
How do I create a "Task: Cloze - Choice"?
How do I create a "Task: Cloze - Text input"?
How do I create a "Flip" card in ovos play?
How do I create an "Image" card in ovos play?
How do I create a "Text+Reveal" card in ovos play?
How do I create a "Video" card in ovos play?
How do I create a "Text + Video" card in ovos play?
How do I create a Quote card in ovos play?
How do I create a document card?
How do I create a "Task: Choice Image"?
How do I create a "Scene" card in ovos play?
How do I create an iframe card?
How do I create a "Task: Text entry box"?
How does the "Code" card template work?
How do I create a "Survey - Choice" card?
How do I create a "Survey- Radio" card?
How do I create a "Survey - Scale" card?
How do I create a "Survey: text entry box" card?
What does the "answer distribution" in survey cards show?
How does the progress bar work for decks?
How can I unlock content through assessments?
Why is my topic not visible in the app?
How do I add a deck to a topic?
Why is my new deck not visible?
How do I add a document to the library?
How do I add external content to the library?
Can I assign decks to more than one topic?
How do I add a video to the library?
How can I add recommendations to decks?
How can I prepare non-linear learning content?
What is a content package?
[BETA] Is it possible to create content in multiple languages?
Can I uniquely reference decks or exams with the same name?
Can I activate content for users when they join the company?
What content is accessible & visible to authors?
How do I assign a content package to a deck?
How can I pin learning content to the My Studies page?
How do I add an activation requirement to a deck?
How do I make content mandatory by a due date?