What is ovos play Live?

With ovos play Live, you can hold interactive events and get results in real time.

With the optional ovos play Live module, you can hold presentations you have put together yourself in person or remotely. The presentation runs in its own window, which you can share either via a beamer or by screen sharing in the online meeting. With the app, learners can easily enter via the displayed session code.

You create ready-made presentations for trainers with new or existing flashcards. In this way, you always guarantee the most up-to-date status of the presentation and specify the content precisely.

Trainers can control the presentation via the Session Manager and see the progress in the presentation. Learners are not distracted by content cards, so they can follow the presenter. Content cards with text, images, video and audio are available for presentations, as well as interactive question and survey cards.

When new agenda items are reached or the information becomes too much, trainers can set breaks. Participants also carry the clock in the app with them at all times and are notified shortly before the break ends.

The results of a live session are saved and can be viewed by trainers even after the presentations. In this way, the task and survey results can be compared with other presentations.

As presentations are structured as flashcards, the flashcards used can also be used for flashcards. This means that the presentation can also be called up and read after the event. Includes interactive tasks and surveys.

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