To create single or multiple choice surveys, you can use the "Survey - Choice" template. The question can consist of formatted text, an image or audio. With this card template, users can choose from the answer options provided.

Create a "Survey - Choice"
To create a card from the "Survey - Choice" template, click on the Add card button within a deck.
First assign a name for the card. For each card in the "Survey - Choice" template, you can specify whether it is a single or multiple choice card. To do this, select the desired mode in the Variant field. Single choice is selected here by default.

Add a question section
The question part of a "Survey - Choice" can consist of an image, an audio or a formatted text. You can upload image and audio files using drag and drop, or you can click on the file upload field and select the desired file. If you add text, you can use all the formats available to you in the card editor.
Add answers
You can add as many answers as you like to a "Survey: Choice". Two answer options are already available when you create the card. To add another answer, click on Add field under the Answers heading.

You must enter a unique text for each answer. It is not possible to use the same text multiple times as an answer.
Add audios as answers
Each text response can also contain an additional audio file. This can be used, for example, to have the text read aloud when making a selection.
Drag and drop an audio file into the upload field of the desired answer or click in the upload field and select the desired audio file from your files.

You also have the option of having an answer consist of audio only. If you only add an audio file and do not include any text in the reply, only an audio button will be displayed in the app.
Show answer distribution
The "Show answer distribution" option allows you to display on survey cards how many users chose which answers. You can find more information about this setting in the article What does the "answer distribution" in survey cards show?
Additional settings
With the "Survey: Choice" card template, you can use the Randomize answers order checkbox to randomly select the answer order each time a card is called up or to have it appear in a specific order. By default, answers are displayed in the order you specify.

Each card can also be made visible or hidden individually. If the Visible checkbox is activated, the card is also displayed in the selected deck.