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How can I categorize question cards into competences?
How can I categorize question cards into competences?

Question cards can be grouped together across several areas of competence in order to practise questions relating to a specific competence.

Adrian Fuchsluger avatar
Written by Adrian Fuchsluger
Updated over 5 months ago

In ovos play, competences are used as an overarching category to classify question cards into a competence. The competences summarize questions from all thematic decks. You can visualize the structure as follows:

In the app, question cards that are assigned to a competency can be practised in a targeted manner. The learning progress for individual competences is displayed in the app on the profile page.

Create competences

In the Create section, you will find the Competences menu item. Here you can create and manage new competences.

In the create section of the menu you will find the competences.

Click on Add competence to create and configure new competences.

Click ‘Add competence’ at the top right.

Each competence must have a name and can include a description and a picture.

Competence editor with a filled out name, image and description.

Name, image and description are displayed in the app for the respective expertise.

Ansicht der Kompetenzliste und der Detail-Seite in der App am Handy.

Competences appear for learners when they are also allowed to see task cards or survey cards in this competence through assigned content packages. If task cards are assigned to the competence, learners can also practise this competence.

Assign question cards to a competence

If you have created competences, you can now assign question cards to fill in the practice session of the competences and to measure the learning progress of the competences.

Edit the desired map and switch to the Competences tab.

View of the card editor with the competences tab on the top right.

Click on Add field to assign the card to a competence.

View of the ‘Competences’ tab with highlight on the ‘Add field’ button.

Then select the desired competence to which you want to assign the card.

View of the open competence list for linking to the map.

You can also create a new competence at any time in this input field. Enter the name of the new competence and click on Add competence.

View of the competence list with the new competence ‘Time management’ entered. The ‘Add competence’ button is active here.

Show self-assessment for competences

The self-assessment can be activated as an additional module. If required, get in touch with your contact person at ovos or contact us at

Self-assessment is a competency-based evaluation of survey cards, because there is no right or wrong here. This allows you to create interactive learning paths in which users receive an evaluation of how well they are already performing in defined competences and where they need to catch up.

The self-assessment is also displayed on the profile page within the competence bars instead of the learning progress.

Die Selbst-Einschätzung ersetzt den Lernfortschritt in der Profilseite.

Assign survey cards to a competence

To assign a survey card to a competence for self-assessment, proceed in the same way as for task cards. Navigate to the Competences tab and select the desired competence.

When creating survey cards, you will find an additional Self-assessment field in the Content tab. Activate this field to mark the survey card for self-assessment. Only marked survey cards will be taken into account for the evaluation.

Only the following cards can be marked as self-assessment cards:

  • Survey: Text Single Choice (no multiple choice)

  • Survey: Scale

  • Survey: Star

If you mark a survey card as a self-assessment, the order of the answers will be used for the evaluation. You will find this information in the info box next to the ‘Self-assessment’ checkbox:

The order of the answers determines the self-assessment value. The value ranges from 0 to 1. The top answer in the editor always has the value 0. The values are ranked for the user from top left (0) to bottom right (1).

With four possible answers in the single choice and star template, this results in the answer values:

  • Answer 1: 0 %

  • Answer 2: 33 %

  • Answer 3: 66 %

  • Answer 4: 100 %

With the scale template, the position entered for the slider is used from 0 % on the left and 100 % on the right.

The competence bars in the profile page show the combined values of all answered survey cards in per cent from 0 % - 100 %.

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