In ovos play, you create content in the decks in the structure you have already created in the library. In the Discover section, add content cards (Text card, Text + Video card, Quote card etc.) and interactive task cards (Task: Multiple Choice card, Task: Dual Assignment card etc.). As you already know, you can also link the task cards to the practice section where it makes sense to do so.
But how can you link the learning outcomes with the different content and use them to create exercises?
Categorizing learning processes
Here's what you need to know: There are different ways you can categorize knowledge and learning processes, starting with easy-to-understand information all the way to complex understanding. This system helps you to better understand and plan your learning progress.
You can use the various options of ovos play to use these categorizations. This allows you to treat so-called knowledge dimensions in different ways.
What are knowledge dimensions?
In cognitive learning processes, a distinction is made between factual knowledge, conceptual knowledge, process knowledge and metacognitive knowledge. These four different categories alone can be used to derive learning outcomes and subsequently formulate tasks:

1. factual knowledge - learning facts and figures
Factual knowledge includes information such as technical terms, dates and formulas. It also refers to elements of knowledge and specific details that are important in a subject or topic. In certain situations, it is important to know and be able to name certain facts. The acquisition of factual knowledge is also an essential aspect of the further learning process.
Fact sheet Factual knowledge:
surface knowledge
Pronounceable "verbal knowledge"
Terms that are relevant to a specific topic
Knowledge of specific details and knowledge elements: isolated facts, but also complex or networked factual knowledge
Typical actions for learning outcomes: enumerate, reproduce, describe, sketch, define
Pro tips:
Explain terms with the variety of card templates, e.g. with text + image or text + reveal.
Incorporate task cards to consolidate the knowledge in a fun way.
If you want learners to list, describe, reproduce or define terms:
Learning outcome: Learners can list the different types of fire extinguishers.
Text+Reveal card:

Task: Choice text card:

This also includes knowledge of details in a subject area:
Learning outcome: Learners can name specific examples of applications for the individual fire extinguishers.
Scene card with concrete application example of a fire extinguisher:

Task: Dual column match:

Learners can sometimes reproduce factual knowledge without understanding anything in detail (memorization). If not linked, it remains isolated and superficial (surface learning). Subsequent conceptual knowledge therefore also plays an important role here.
2. conceptual knowledge - learning concepts
Conceptual knowledge refers to the concepts, principles, classifications, schemes, models, etc. that lie beneath factual knowledge. For example, you can memorize and reproduce the facts of the French Revolution, such as dates, etc. (factual knowledge). However, the nature of revolutions in general, the underlying concept of revolutions, can only be deduced after comparing several revolutions (conceptual knowledge).
While it is easy to identify errors in factual knowledge (wrong year, wrong definition of a term), this is not so easy with concepts, for example the concept of a company philosophy. It is also not always easy to describe (verbalize) concepts, even though you have internalized them.
Conceptual knowledge enables a deep understanding (deep learning) of mechanisms and dynamics, i.e. knowledge is interlinked and new knowledge elements are also built up (cumulative knowledge building).
Fact sheet Conceptual knowledge:
deep knowledge
Can be expressible or indirect
Cross-linking of knowledge, cumulative development of knowledge
Typical actions for learning outcomes: derive something, abstract, generalize, but also network, link
Pro tips
Use learners' existing knowledge as a starting point and link new content and concepts to it. This creates meaningful learning.
Use the glossary feature to explain important terms. Learners can call up the glossary at any time in the app. Later in the learning process, you can link to these terminologies again and again to refresh what they have previously learned and establish a link to the new information.
Example 1:
Learning outcome: Learners can name the difference between Active Learning and Passive Learning.
Text+image card with glossary function:

Task: Fact/fiction card
With active learning - in contrast to passive learning - learners must be actively involved in the learning process. Right or wrong?
More information:
How can I explain technical terms on cards?
How do I create a glossary entry?
Example 2:
Learning outcome: Learners can name the four values of our corporate culture and act accordingly.
Flip card:

Act according to values with fact or fiction card:

Please note:
In contrast to factual knowledge, where errors can be easily identified, errors in concepts are more difficult to recognize. If learners do not understand basic concepts correctly, misconceptions or half-correct ideas arise that can impair further knowledge building.
Pro tip:
A helpful learning method against this half-understanding is the Peer Instruction Method by Eric Mazur (see here).
3. process knowledge
Process knowledge describes the knowledge of how to do something (know how). This can involve things that we already do unconsciously, e.g. solving a math problem or riding a bike.
If you think one step further, procedural knowledge also includes procedures, cycles or processes. Examples of this would be the process of a customer meeting, the internal communication channels as part of onboarding or the cleaning of a machine.
Fact sheet Process Knowledge
know-how knowledge
mostly implicit knowledge, such as practical knowledge
describes methods, techniques, procedures, processes, cycles
Verbs to stimulate learning outcomes: connect, build, recognize interactions, interactions or sequences
Comparative example:
(1) Learning outcome: Learners can name the formula for electrical voltage. (factual knowledge)
(2)Learning outcome: The learner can calculate the voltage. (procedural knowledge)
(1) Factual knowledge with Flip card (front + back):
(1) Factual knowledge with fact or fiction card:

Procedural knowledge goes one step further and requires the formula to be calculated:
(2) Procedural knowledge with single-choice text card:

Pro tip:
Use the Response resolution function to provide more information - in this case on the calculation process:

More information:
Can I add an answer resolution to a question card?
4. metacognitive knowledge - learning to learn
Metacognitive knowledge is the knowledge of how one learns (learning strategies) and how one learns best (learning preferences).
It is like a tool that helps us to understand and reflect on our own thinking and learning.
It also describes how you can observe yourself while learning and thus control your own learning process, which means rethinking your own learning strategies and resorting to other methods if necessary.
Self-testing tasks provide learners with information about how well they are learning. This is important because people do not always assess themselves correctly when it comes to the question of how well they have understood something. Successful development of metacognitive knowledge is therefore closely linked to informal checking.
The higher the metacognitive knowledge, the better the problem-solving strategies (how to approach a problem).
Fact Sheet Learning to learn:
Verbalized and implicit knowledge
Keywords: learning strategies, learning preferences, analysis of learning behavior (monitoring), problem-solving strategies
Self-testing tasks
In ovos play you can present the content in the discover section (text + image, video etc., but also task cards such as multiple choice, fact or fiction etc.) and integrate a self-assessment question at the end (survey: radio, survey: scale, survey: choice).
In the practice section, you can then integrate different task cards so that learners can test their knowledge.
Professional tips:
So you can ensure informal checking:
1. integrate flashcards that encourage reflection on what has been learned, but also on the learning process.
Learning outcome: Learners can name personally relevant information on the topic of data protection.

Learning outcome: Learners can evaluate their learning process and assess their knowledge in the area of data protection.
Survey: Star card:

2. use the Scene card to display the content in a different way.
Learners can first be encouraged by thinking aloud to reproduce their knowledge and then go on to self-discovery in the scene map and check the answers:

3. use the practice function of a deck:
After the self-assessment, it is important to check the knowledge - this works best with the Exercise (formative assessment) function.
Self-monitoring allows learners to check where they are in their learning process and how much they still need to complete:

Interaktive Präsentationen
In interactive presentations with Live, on the other hand, you can encourage learners to reflect on their learning processes or specific knowledge content by exchanging ideas with other learners.
By reflecting on their own knowledge, learners become aware of their strengths and weaknesses.
Pro tips for interactive presentations:
Let your learners create mind maps in individual, group or partner work.
Let them summarize and share their knowledge through discussions (peer learning or peer feedback, e.g. with Think-Pair-Share).
Let them justify knowledge content independently (e.g. by Peer Instruction).
Previous chapter: > Step 2: Create practice and examination tasks
Next chapter: Design a learning sequence
Anderson, L. W., & Krathwohl, D. R. (2001). A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Complete Edition. New York: Longman; Kurze Zusammenfassung von Krathwohl (2002): A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy: An Overview,, S. 214