> Step 2: Create practice and examination tasks

How you can measure learning outcomes in ovos play.

To measure the achievement of learning outcomes, you can design tasks for practicing where learners can review their progress and tasks for exams.

Formative and summative assessment

Testing is a broad term and doesn't just describe tests and the like where you are nervous and get a grade at the end. Testing is fundamentally important to see whether you have understood something. This can also be tasks for self-assessment.

A distinction is made between formative and summative assessment:

Formative assessment

describes informal assessment during learning. Examples from the school context include trial school work, learning objective checks, knowledge quizzes or progress tests.

This type of testing has a didactic function - namely to practise learning content. The less you know about a subject area, the more unrealistically you judge yourself. So those who have not understood anything usually think that it will be sufficient.

Since formative assessment takes place during learning, it can also take place in the middle of a deck. It is always important for the brain to organise information, for realistic self-assessment and for motivation to learn.

Formative assessment takes place in the Explore, Practise and Duel mode:


The learning algorithm shows learners the right questions for them and learners increase their learning progress by practising.


Pro tip:
You can link task cards from the Discover section directly to the Practice section - so you can use the same task twice.

More information:
How does the progress bar for decks work?
How can I use the same card in multiple decks?

Interactive presentations with the feature Live

With the Live presentation mode, you can make your presentation, training or lesson interactive, practise learning content - and measure results at the same time.

Would you like to repeat learning content from the last unit and find out what your learners can already do during the lesson/training?

Create an appealing presentation with interactive task cards and do a knowledge check at the beginning of your unit.

Your learners will receive immediate feedback on their current level of knowledge and you can see which questions have been answered correctly and which content needs to be revisited.

The formative assessment takes place in the content cards and the interactive cards in the presentation.


Pro tip:
Use already created task cards from decks and link them - if appropriate - to your presentation.

More information:

What is ovos play Live?

How do I create presentations for a live session?

Summative assessment

describes the real, formal testing after learning. This type of assessment has a social function with grades, certificates and, unfortunately, frustration if you get a negative grade.

It takes place after learning content has been explored and practised (i.e. after formative assessment) to evaluate the learner's knowledge.

The feature exam in a deck

The summative assessment takes place with the examination feature and can end with a certificate.


You can use an exam to test the level of knowledge of your learners. In ovos play, you can create an assessment with content or task cards.

  • With content cards, you can include context for questions in the exam - e.g. with videos.

  • Task cards are necessary to calculate a result.

Formulate tasks

It is possible that you simply take your formulated learning outcome and convert it from a statement sentence into a command sentence - in order to then formulate the tasks straight away:



  • Learning outcome: You can list the five principles of our company philosophy and give at least one example for each principle.

  • Instruction set for tasks: Enumerate the five principles and numerate at least one example per principle.


  • Learning outcome: You can decide in which situation which type of forklift truck can be used.

  • Instruction set for tasks: Decide which type of forklift truck can be used for the situation at hand.

If there are already ready-made exam questions, you can also derive your content from the exam or the exam questions. Then ask yourself the following question: Which verbs are used in my exam questions? and formulate your learning outcomes accordingly.

The questions can be the same for formative and summative assessment, such as a single-choice question.

However, the functions and timing are different:

  • Formative testing during learning helps learners to find out whether they have understood the learning content.

  • Summative testing after learning evaluates whether learners have understood the content.

Pro tip:

Formative testing as early and as often as possible, summative testing as often as necessary!


  • You can introduce a prerequisite for unlocking the exam for your deck: Only when learners have discovered and practised certain decks (the prerequisites for this can be set individually in the app) can they move on to the next content or attempt the exam.

  • By default, a deck must be discovered once and answered correctly 5 times during practice to be considered 100% complete. For changes, please get in touch with your contact person at ovos.

  • Depending on the intended use, no summative assessment is required, e.g. for pre- and onboarding content.

More information:

What is an assessment in ovos play?

How do I create an assessment?

How do I add prerequisites for activating an assessment?

What are assessment certificates?

Previous chapter: > Step 1: Formulate concrete learning outcomes

Next chapter: > Step 3: Plan the learning activities


Vrabl, Olivia. (2022). Ökonomie beim Prüfen - Zeitlose, wiederverwendbare Aufgabenschemata für Prüfungsaufgaben erstellen. HINT, Bd. 3, S. 71 – 98. https://journals.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/index.php/hint/article/view/92853

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