How do I see who has made which changes to content?

In the ovos play administration interface, you can see who made which changes and when.

The activity log can be very useful if several authors are working on the same content. In the activity log, you can see exactly who made changes to the content and when.

You can also restore deleted library item such as topics, decks and assessments. You can find more information about restoring in the article Can I restore a deleted deck?

For other requests to restore content, please contact immediately.

To view the activity log, click on Manage Activity log within the administration interface.

The activity log can be found at the bottom of the manage section.

In the change log, you will see a list of all actions that have been saved as changes in the system.

View of the activity log table.

Which changes are recorded?

You will see a new entry in the change log when content has been created, edited or deleted. Editing includes changes to texts as well as changes to the layout.

If you want to track a change, first look at the Target column.

There are four categories of target objects:

  • Config = Changes to the general configuration of your app. This can only be done by sysadmins.

  • Deck = Changes to a deck

  • Library Item = Changes to topics or headlines

  • Tenant = Changes to the specific configuration of your instance

The most important changes are to decks and library items. Library items are all elements that you find in the library. You can use the filter function at the top right to search for specific changes by action type and target object.

The filter options at the top right can be set to the different target types.

Tip: To see which deck has been edited, these are provided with a link. Click on Deck in the Target object column. The details page of the deck opens. This function is not available for other target objects and deleted objects.

Tracking changes to an individual element

In the Admin Dashboard, you will find an ID field at the top of each element. This ID field can be used in the change log to filter for this element.

For example, if you edit a deck, you will find the ID highlighted in color above the deck editor.

Im oberen Bereich der Editor-Seiten finden Sie die ID des Elements.

Move the mouse cursor over the ID field and an icon for copying the ID will appear.

The ID fields offer a function for copying the ID.

You can now insert the copied ID as a filter in the change log. To do this, navigate to the change log and open the filter options. Paste the ID into the Target ID field.

You can use the field Target ID to filter for a specific element in the activity log.

Tip: Different Target types might have the same ID. Choose the Target type to filter for the element you are looking for.

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