What roles are there in ovos play?

Here you can find out everything about the permissions of the individual roles in ovos play.


ovos play uses specific roles for organizing the Authoring Tool. These individual roles build upon one another and accumulate permissions. A total of 6 roles can be used for each user simultaneously.

Note: ovos play also offers customized roles where you can decide which permissions belong to that role. If you're interested, feel free to contact us, and we can set up a custom role for you.

By default, every user is a Learner. This means that these users have access only to the frontend or the app.

It is not necessary to assign the Learner role in the Admin Dashboard when creating a new user.

Roles in ovos play

  • learner

  • admin

  • trainer

  • author

  • analyst

  • live_teacher

Brief Summary


A Learner has read-only access, with the exception of their own user data, and is the only role without access to the Admin Dashboard


An Admin has the same permissions as an Author, Analyst and Live Teacher. In addition, an Admin has access to all functions of the Admin Dashboard. They have read and write access to the contents of the dashboard, as long as they are visible. (content packages).


A trainer has the same permissions as a learner and is authorised to access the Admin Dashboard.

A trainer can manage users and groups and view their statistics. A trainer only sees those users who are visible through groups.

If the live module is activated, trainers can also start a live session.


An Author has the same permissions as a Learner and is authorised to access the Admin Dashboard.

However, only for the menu item "Library". Authors have read and write access to the contents of the library, as long as they are visible. (content packages).


An analyst has the same permissions as a learner and is authorised to access the Admin Dashboard.

However, only for the menu item "Statistics". Analysts can view global, user and live statistics for those users who are visible through groups. If statistics for individual users are not desired, please contact your ovos contact person.


A Live Teacher has the same permissions as a Learner and is authorised to access the Admin Dashboard. However, only for the menu item "Live". Live Teachers can create live sessions in the Session Manager and view created Blueprints.

Detailed overview








Access to the app

Access to the Admin Dashboard

Create Library Learning Content

Create LIVE Presentations

read only

read only

Start LIVE Sessions

Create Static Pages

Create Notifications

Create Glossary Entries

Manage Instance Settings

Manager Users


Manage Groups

Manage Content Packages



Manage Score Lists

Create Content Codes

Create Voucher codes

View Statitics

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