Is alternative authentication possible for ovos play?
What roles are there in ovos play?
Can users assign themselves to a group using a QR code?
What distinguishes single vouchers from multiple vouchers?
How do I assign a role to users?
Can users select groups themselves when registering?
Can I restrict trainers in the hierarchy of the group creation?
Can I store a unique identifier for users?
How do I allocate content packages for individual users?
Can I protect manual group assignments from being overwritten by an external authentication service?
How do I search or filter for specific users?
How do I create multiple users at once?
What options are there for registration with voucher codes?
How do I group multiple users?
Can I deactivate voucher codes manually?
How do I create new users?
How do I configure an individual logo for a specific group?
How do I create voucher codes for registration?