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What options are there for registration with voucher codes?
What options are there for registration with voucher codes?

Voucher codes can be used during registration to assign groups and content packages to newly registered users.

Dominik avatar
Written by Dominik
Updated over a year ago

Various authentication methods can be used for your ovos play instance. For the internal registration offered by ovos play, additional mandatory voucher codes and optional group codes can be configured. Please contact your ovos contact person and we will configure the registration according to your needs.

Bei der Registrierung kann ein verpflichtender Voucher Code oder ein optionaler Gruppen Code konfiguriert werden.

Important note: The use of mandatory voucher codes is not supported for iOS apps. In this case, the use of voucher codes is only available for the web version.

Registration without voucher code

Bei der Registrierung ohne Voucher Code reicht der Nickname und optional eine E-Mail zur Registrierung.

For internal registration without a voucher code, a nickname and password are sufficient to access the app. An email address can be optional or mandatory.

Without a voucher code when registering, newly registered users are assigned to the standard group. For this default group, you can assign demo content or content for everyone, for example, so that new users only see this content. After registration, these users also appear in the admin dashboard, and you can then edit them specifically and assign new groups if required.

Registration with mandatory voucher code

Bei einem verpflichtendem Voucher Code wird das Feld "Voucher Code" bei der Registrierung angezeigt.

If a mandatory voucher is configured for the internal registration offered by ovos play, users must enter a voucher code to register the account with a nickname and optional email.

By entering the voucher code, registered users are assigned to a group or receive certain content packages, depending on the voucher code configuration. If no group is stored for the voucher code, the users are assigned to the default group.

You can find out how to create and configure voucher codes in the article How do I create voucher codes for registration?

Registration with optional group codes

Bei der Registrierung mit optionalen Gruppen Codes wird das Feld "Gruppen Code (optional)" angezeigt.

With the internal registration offered by ovos play, group codes can be configured as optional. Group codes are multiple vouchers that assign a group. You can find more information on multiple vouchers and how to create them in the article What distinguishes single vouchers from multiple vouchers?

If a group code is specified during registration, users are assigned to the group that is stored in the group code. If no group code is specified, users are assigned to the default group.

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