Step 1: You have decided in favour of ‘OP Setup (App)’
If this item appears in your offer, then you have made the right decision:
This means that we will jointly bring an app to the iOS AppStore and the Google PlayStore.
📧 If it does not yet appear there, simply get in touch with Jochen Kranzer ( - we'll be happy to put together a new offer just for you.
Step 2: Create your own store accounts
In order for us to be able to publish your app, it must be offered in a store account - you have to take care of this. Only once this has been set up can we start releasing the app.
💵 First things first: there are costs for you here. Google charges a one-off fee of 25 dollars, Apple 99 dollars per year.
Click here for our instructions:
If you already have a store account, we have set up a shortcut here:
Step 3: Provide all texts and graphic elements
An app needs a name, a description, a logo and so much more. We have summarised exactly what you need here:
If your process has started with the Miro onboarding for new customers of Jochen, then you can also insert all elements on your specific Miroboard.
Step 4: Think about a desired launch date and communicate it to Dominik
You often have an idea of when you want to be ready by. Or by when something should be finally launched - as soon as this has been finalised, please communicate it to Release Manager Dominik (
We can then see how realistic this deadline is.
If steps 2 and 3 have already been successfully completed and Dominik knows in good time and can plan for it, the app can be sent to the review process in the same week.
After that, it is no longer in our hands - but we have summarised here how long it usually takes for an app to be in the store.
Step 5: Wait for a positive email from Dominik
This email already contains the links to the respective stores. Then follow step 6.